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Video Production
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Stage 2: Production

Video production is the process of creating video content. Production is about making sure everything goes smoothly during filming.

If you’re using a production company then they will usually provide a budget estimate based on pre-production before starting any project. That way you should know ahead of time what the costs of the video will be. If you’re producing the video on your own, then you also should know the costs and have the equipment prepared.


Graphic showing the 3 parts to video production.

1. Lights!

Video lighting is important because it helps to set the mood and tone of a scene. It can also be used to create special effects, such as making a person look brighter or more ethereal. Good lighting can make a big difference in how a video looks, so it’s important to take the time to get it right.

When it comes to video lighting, it’s often best to err on the side of too much light rather than too little. After all, you can always turn down the brightness if it’s too much, but you can’t turn up the brightness very easily if it’s not enough.


Be prepared for different kinds of lighting situations especially if you’re filming on location. Then set up your lights.

2. Camera!

The next part of the production stage is to set up your camera. Again, this can be a simple smartphone camera or the latest professional camera and lens.

Do keep in mind that multiple cameras allow for better coverage of an event (or even just a simple video of you speaking). More cameras mean that there are more angles to choose from during the post-production stage. A single camera cannot capture everything that happens during an event.


If you’ve hired a video production crew then the camera operator needs to set the camera up. They know what type of lens to use and where to place them to achieve the best effect. They understand how to balance light and shadow to create compelling images.

If you’re filming on your own then you will want to try out different lighting and camera placements to make sure the footage you record is as good as possible.

3. Action!

It’s here that you’ll record your video. Don’t worry too much about mistakes during filming as these can be edited out. Do each take a few times so you can mix and match the best takes together.